Saturday, January 26, 2008

January 25, 2008

Hi all,

Both seminars seemed to go well this week.  No questions...... either I'm really good, or you didn't really care.   :)   I haven't had a chance to read the reactions to the video yet, but there may be some things to address after I do.  If so, I'll do a new post on just that.

Friday you were right on.  You seem to comprehend the aspects of the middle school culture. Be aware that a true middle school has them all - not just one or two.

The only question I received this week was pretty heavy.  "How are you supposed to react with kids who are in those conditions where they don't have anyone?"  This could take a lot of different twists..... so before I respond..... I want to know what you all have to say.  So..... let's hear from you.

Also - I was very pleased to see that Kyle asked for info from all of you in his post from last week..... don't let him hanging.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Class 2 - January 18


It was good to see you all today.  I'm excited about continuing this term, as I think you're going to warm up and do a great job.  

I need to pass along that in the reflections many of your peers chided those of you who did not read your assignments.  Everybody needs to read in order to participate.  It's not fair to those who are prepared if you come unprepared and hold back the class. Often times middle school students don't do their assignments...but that shouldn't be the case for middle school teachers..... A word to the wise......

Thanks for the good suggestions to help with group organization.  I always learn things from you guys and's great.

Feel free to pick one of the responses below to agree or disagree or bring up things you want discussed on the blog.  It's for your discussion purposes.

My responses - open for discussion from you:
1. A junior high can become a middle school.  It requires a change in structure and philosophy.  We will be talking about this more the next couple weeks.  If we finish and you still don't understand, ask in class.

2. Nothing will 'happen' to MCE majors if the license band changes.  But if more teachers are licensed to teach 1 - 6 or 6 - 12, there will be more competition for your jobs.

3. You can teach what ever grade you want that's on your license regardless of school structure.  K-8, 1-6, 6-12 It doesn't matter.

4. Articles like we used to today can be found in any education magazine.  Today's Education; Education Weekly,,,,there are tons.

5. In K-12 schools the effect that the older students have is totally dependent upon the set up of the school.  Often the 7 - 12 students don't even see the younger ones.   It can also be most helpful to have older students available to tutor the younger ones and provide that 'big brother', 'big sister' thing.  

6. Someone wants to know what it was to go to a separate 'middle school'.  Could one of you answer that, please?

7. Right now it seems that the best place to go for jobs is south.  I know they're always looking for teachers in the Carolinas, Florida, Texas, Las Vegas.  Also, there are usually inner city jobs available in most cities.

8. Yes, your different research papers may have sources in common.

9. In my opinion, there is no grade level that I 'liked better' to teach.  They're all different and they all have pros and cons.  I truly believe in enjoying whatever I'm doing at the time.  Every morning I make the choice to have a good day whatever I'm doing.

10. Same things goes for the preference K-8 or 6-8 - you do your best wherever you are.   Personally, I have middle school philosophy wherever I am.  My kids come first, then the content.

11. If you don't have a car, you'll set up a ride before you pick a school, and you'll have to go where your ride goes.

12. You'll add reading to your license when you apply for your license as a senior when you're finishing your student teaching.

13. Obviously, as we discussed today - especially in your groups - the 'preferred' grade configuration is definitely an opinion.

13. Summary - middle schools are student centered....junior high more content centered

14. If you went to school in a farming based community, you need to go to the inner or suburbs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday, Jan. 16 Seminar

I'm so excited to 'blog' that I couldn't wait until after Friday.  So if you want to respond here - fine.  If not, you can wait until after Friday's class.

I really appreciate your attention over the long time span and through the heat in the room.  Thank you.  I also appreciate your thorough responses to the reflection.  There were some excellent suggestions given!  I will post the slides after tomorrow's seminar.

1. We will inform you and answer all your questions, and you will have your placements when you leave seminar next week.  

2. I will not 'assign' your placements. You will choose your placement, grade level, and content area as much as possible unless they're all gone.  Actually, I think I'll put the names of the schools here so you can look them up if you want. Remember - you MUST sign up for an experience you have not had.  If you went to a suburban school you may NOT go to a suburban school this term.  

3. As far as the issue of changing the grade level licensure bands, we have no idea when that will actually take place.  There is no reason to 'worry'.  Change is not necessarily a bad thing - it's often wonderful!  This is an Ohio issue; it's not nationwide.

4. For student teaching, you will teach in both of your content areas.

5.  If you want to discuss placements for student teaching, that needs to be done at the field placement office on the 4th floor.  However, you pretty much need to go where they send you because they have to have supervisors and placements available.  About the only way you can get a request fulfilled is if there's a prove 'need'.

6.  We will review Domains B and C next week.  I'm sorry I forgot to conclude the post it activity.  It's not that big of a deal... but you're right, I needed to close that.

7. Here are the possible placement locations and the school type:
      Byrnedale - Toledo Public Schools - outer city
      Eisenhower - Oregon Schools - rural
      Fassett - Oregon City Schools - suburban
      DeVeaux - TPS - inner city
      Leverette - TPS - inner city
      Timberstone - Sylvania - suburban
      Springfield Middle School - Holland - suburban
      Otsego - Otsego - rural
      Patrick Henry Schools - Hamler - rural

I'm looking forward to hearing from you and having on line discussions!!
